Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Kevin Costner's first of two post-apocalyptic sci-fi flicks turned the actor from one of Hollywood's hottest properties to a box-office joke virtually overnight, but Water world is actually not a bad movie, despite its $175 million cost. One thing that you can say about it is that a good deal of the money that was spent is visible on the screen, with gorgeous widescreen vistas of uninterrupted ocean punctuated by amazing sets, some of which cost over $10 million to build. The film's aesthetic is unique, with nearly everything constructed from scrap and salvage, and visually it's a sumptuous feast for the eyes. But the production was mostly sunk by the script, which went through several writers and, in Costner's own words, "never had a third act." Director Kevin Reynolds tried to make up for that omission with explosions and effects, but the damage was done and the film was panned, although it did eventually make its money back.

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